
Check out my latest projects and contributions.

Story Verse
Nuxt.jsTailwind CSSTypeScriptCapacitorOpenAIPersonal

Story Verse

Step into a world beyond imagination, where realms of fantasy, crime, thriller, and horror converge. An AI powered storytelling PWA.

Role: Sole developer

Nuxt.jsTailwind CSSTypeScriptFirebasePWAPersonal


Say hello to Readr - your new all-in-one fitness tracker for your library. Keep track of your reading progress and get recommendations.

Role: Sole developer

Open sourceJavascriptPersonalAnimation on scroll


HumbleScroll is a lightweight animation on scroll Javascript library. Its easy to use and has no dependencies.

Role: Sole developer

Nuxt.jsTailwind CSSTypeScriptE-commerceNovicell


A headless e-commerce solution for Aimpoint. A Swedish company that produces red dot sights for civilian, police and military use.

Role: Lead Frontend developer

RO app
Nuxt.jsTailwind CSSTypeScriptCapacitorAndroidiOSNovicellRegion Syddanmark

RO app

Do you often feel anxious, pressured or stressed? RO is a mindfulness app that helps you reduce stress and anxiety in everyday life.

Role: Lead Frontend developer

BJ Gear product configurator
Nuxt.jsTailwind CSSTypeScriptNovicell

BJ Gear product configurator

Configure gear to fit your needs. A product configurator for BJ Gear. A Danish company that produces gearboxes and actuators.

Role: Lead Frontend developer

Moesgaard UNESCO
Nuxt.jsTypeScriptNovicellAzure B2C

Moesgaard UNESCO

A website for Moesgaard Museum with booking for their UNESCO crates.

Role: Frontend developer